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Taking Time to Rest, Reflect & Enjoy an At Home Vacation

It's our first week back to work, and we thought it might be fun to share a re-cap of what we've been up to!

Running a creative business is incredibly fulfilling and rewarding--- we get to share what we love with you, and we get to stretch our emotional and physical abilities in ways we sometimes think aren't possible, which is a really rewarding thing! But let's face it, sharing pieces of your creative soul on the internet isn't for the faint of heart! It takes a lot of courage, and it takes a toll, so we felt like the timing was right to take a much-needed vacation at home.

We've never forced ourselves to take this amount of time off, but we can bet you we will be doing it again! Why? Becasue after having a very grueling, but very rewarding end of 2021, working 7 days a week to make things happen, we wanted to enjoy a little time off to be grateful, rest, and reflect (and not feel guilty about it!). At first, we planned a vacation to another state. We wanted to go, go, go, see new things, experience new places, etc. But then, as I'm sure you might have experienced, we chose to cancel our plans. And I'm so glad we did. Instead, we decided to have a vacation at home and got to spend so much time with our animals: Clover, Merlin, & Ada. I know they enjoyed it as much as we did, hanging out together watching movies, reading books, and just overall choosing rest, reflection, and peace as a priority over being busy. We also were able to accomplish some home tasks at our own pace, specifically some fun interior design/organization projects!

We started by doing a major clean out our kitchen cabinets and pantry. It's amazing what that simple, yet easily put off project can do for you! We've been in our home for just over 4 years (which is incredibly hard to believe!), and we've had plenty of time to figure out how to have our kitchen flow. It was finally time to tackle taking out literally every pot, pan, plate, bowl, and of course, mug! We value having quality pottery and vintage items with a place for everything-- I think it makes you appreciate what you have and grateful for the objects that bring value to your every-day life.

Along with completing other much-needed organization tasks, we were also able to spend some time on interior design projects. Probably my favorite project was swapping out our ordinary silver towel racks in the bathrooms for antique ones that my parents found on one of their trips. You might not know that I am a huge antique lover and collector, and I always find it fun and unique to figure out how to decorate with antiques and our pottery (maybe that's something more I'll get into in other blog posts if you're interested!). I'm a big fan of making your style unique to you and incorporating elements that are quality, handmade, unique, and have a story. We also did some other refreshing design projects like hanging/rehanging pictures and painting a light fixture!

Overall, we really enjoyed our mini vacation at home! We are very grateful for the hard work that 2021 brought, and for you choosing to invest in our hard work and our journey. Now, on to 2022 and being mindful, taking time to rest and work hard.

How did your holiday season go and were you able to tackle any projects or watch any good movies?



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